Improving vision with EFT

This week we have been talking about different physical ailments and how EFT can help them.  Like high blood pressure, EFT can also help with vision problems.  Whether it’s near- or far-sightedness, or a more serious condition like glaucoma or cataracts, the eyes are very sensitive organs.  We use them for everything – they’re “on” for more than half our lives.  They are also subject to particles in the air, pollution, smoke, wind and other irritants.  Generally, our eyes are resilient little buggers – they can wash out most of the irritants the world throws at us.  But, when there are a lot of irritants, and if you add to it tiredness from a lack of rest at night, then our eyes start to protest.  

The way in which they protest is by aching, stinging, and becoming overly dry.  Because most of us sleep too little, work too much (often at the computer, which helps to irritate the eyes), and do not properly protect our eyes when outside in the wind, dust, and smoke-filled areas, we often find ourselves with eye discomfort.

EFT can quickly, painlessly and easily remedy many of these symptoms.  Just reducing stress with EFT to help get a good night’s sleep can dramatically reduce eye discomfort.  The more irritated our eyes become, the worse our vision is.  If we can give our eyes the rest they need, and reduce our stress, then our eyes will be able to heal themselves and feel better.  As our eyes feel better, then our vision improves.

EFT and blood pressure reduction

With our stressed-out lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, many of us struggle with high blood pressure, and/or already take medication for it.  This potentially-life threatening condition affects millions.  Unfortunately, many of us are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes necessary to correct high blood pressure, such as eating more vegetables, limiting salt and fatty foods, and getting a moderate amount of exercise.  As a result, we continue to take the medications that have their own side effects, continue to eat poorly, and our health steadily deteriorates.

But there is a better way!

The body and the mind are connected intimately, and so if we can get the mind to talk to the body, then we can make real change.  One of the ways we can talk to the body is with EFT.  Using tapping, we can help to unify the mind with the body to lower blood pressure.  First, we can work on our stress levels.  Just reducing our stress can have a significant impact on our blood pressure.  Using EFT on our own – I teach you! – on a regular basis can help to reduce the problem overall.  Once our stress is reduced, it them becomes a little easier to make healthier choices and further improve.  It’s a win-win!  And all because you decided to tap…it’s easy, it’s painless, it’s quick, and it’s effective!

Kids love EFT!

I am frequently asked if EFT will work on children.  Not only does it work, but kids love to do it.  They do not have the preconceived notions of energy healing that adults often have, so they take to it naturally.  The tapping is easy, so this is not a barrier, either.  With children, I often work in two ways.  First, I focus mainly on feelings in the body, as these can be easiest for children to identify with.  Emotions are more complicated for children, depending on the age.  Second, I work with children using a teddy bear, so they can disassociate with the problem to be able to work on it effectively.  Thus the stuffed animal becomes “my anger” or “my ADHD.”  The bear has its own tapping points on it to ease the process.  I use the bear with adults, too, and it can be quite effective to disassociate with a disease (“my arthritis” or “my cancer”).

Kids also embrace the concept of using EFT on everything.  In addition to extreme emotions like anger, temper tantrums, and sadness, EFT can help with physical pain (a fall on the playground or asthma, for example), insomnia, and issues at school (bullying, performance anxiety, poor test-taking, conflicts with teachers and other students).

Try it today!

EFT, weight loss and trouble spots

This is the next in the series on EFT and weight loss: trouble spots.  We can call ourselves “apples” (those who gain weight primarily in our midsection) or “pears” (those who gain weight primarily in our hips/thighs), but whichever fruit you identify with, each of us tend to gain weight in certain areas first, and lose it there last.  In watching some of the weight loss reality shows on now, such as The Biggest Loser, Heavy and others, it’s amazing how bodies come in all shapes and sizes.  Watching, I began to wonder why one person would have their weight in one place versus another.  Some overweight individuals have very small calves and ankles, and some don’t.  Some very overweight individuals still have an hourglass shape and slim waist.  We come in all shapes and sizes, but noticing this, I began to think of how EFT could fit in with this aspect of weight loss.

I have been working to shed a few pounds, and have noticed over the years that certain areas get the weight first, and then that weight stays on until the very last minute.  It’s like it’s holding onto the ship until it goes down.  So I did some EFT on it, using phrases like, “I don’t need this weight anymore,” “I have other tools to protect myself in the future,” “I appreciate that this weight has been there and taken care of me for so long,” and “I can let this weight go now.”  Amazingly, it wasn’t more than a couple days when I started to notice the weight coming down – spot reducing, which “they” say is impossible.  The spots I targeted seemed noticeably smaller, I felt lighter, and I was excited!  This has continued to happen, and I’ve had success with other clients as well.

The motto of EFT is, “use it on everything.”  This is very true, and I am thrilled to have this new tool in my set to work with weight loss clients.

EFT and arthritis: get rid of your aching joints

Arthritis affects millions of people in America, and can be debilitating.  In the hands, arthritis can prevent us from dressing, from eating, from grooming ourselves, and essentially from living life.  EFT can help arthritis sufferers in a couple ways.  First, those with arthritis often worry about the condition, wondering if tomorrow will be a “good day” or a “bad day.”  This worry is stress, and stress inhibits our body’s ability to heal itself.  Thus, the more we worry about our arthritis, the worse it will be.  Second, EFT has “borrowing benefits,”  which means that our overall well-being increases and our stress decreases the more we use EFT.  The more we de-stress, the less cortisol our body produces.  Cortisol is the “fight or flight” hormone that increases when we experience extreme stress (like the tiger is chasing us). Because of our modern, stressful lives, many of us have chronic increased cortisol.  An excess of cortisol in the body over time causes inflammation.  Can you see where I am headed here?  What is an aspect of arthritis?  Inflammation!  So using EFT to reduce stress and cortisol can decrease the arthritis.

Finally, EFT works really effectively on pain.  It works quickly, painlessly, without drugs, and is effective immediately.  Want relief from arthritis pain?  Try EFT and you can be free to live your life.

EFT, weight loss and food cravings

This is the third in our series about EFT and weight loss, and today we’re focusing in on food cravings.  Who doesn’t have a favorite go-to food when they’re feeling down, OR if they’re feeling up, and in a celebratory mood?  For me, my go to foods were cheese and pasta, either separately or in combination as macaroni and cheese.  For a while a few years ago, things were a little rough for me, and I ate so much macaroni and cheese I thought I was going to turn into a piece of cheesy elbow pasta.

For many it’s chocolate or other kinds of carbs, like bread, chips, french fries or other greasy, salty comfort food.  When we overeat these kinds of foods, we can’t help but gain weight, often to obesity, because these foods just aren’t good for us.  They slow down our metabolism, sap our energy, and leave us craving more of the same.  When we’re trying to lose weight, these foods can be our saboteurs: we slip a little or cheat, eat something we’re not supposed to, and so not only do we want to beat ourselves up for the slip, but now we’re craving the same bad food even more than we were before!

It’s a vicious cycle, and most of the weight loss “diets” or plans out there don’t give us much, if any, help in this area.  We are supposed to use our will power and white knuckle it through our cravings.  Who can do that on a sustained basis?  Very few, I think, which is why so many diets and weight loss plans fail.  We need the emotional support, and we need tools to help us through the tough times.

EFT is one of those tools we can use.  It works incredibly on cravings: it’s quick, it’s easy, and it requires no willpower.  I have found that my cravings for cheese and pasts, and macaroni and cheese, have dwindled to almost nothing.  When I have something like macaroni and cheese, it tastes processed, plastic and mushy (which it is), and not like the warm, comforting, cheesy goodness that it used to.  I know my health and my body thank me for this culinary change.

What food do you wish you could be free of?

EFT: Start with a feeling in the body

In many of my EFT sessions, particularly with a new client, I often start with a feeling in the body.  Someone will come to me with an issue they would like to work on, and I start by asking where and how they feel it in the body.  It is often a tightness in the chest, stomach or throat, though it can appear as anything – a headache, knee pain, foot tingling, or any number of body feelings.

We start there because we want to clear some of the initial disruption that happens when we think of the issue we’re working on.  If we feel a knot in our stomach every time we think of paying the bills, then the real issue behind the anxiety can’t surface if we have this knot in our belly.  Once we get rid of the knot, the real reasons behind the disturbance can come forward.  But the body feeling needs to clear first.

Sometimes when I am working with a client, and often it’s a new client, the reasons behind the body feeling don’t come up right away.  This is fine, and is part of the process of learning what energy medicine can do.  But what needs to be understood is that the anxiety or issue will not go away for good unless and until the underlying issue, emotion, and/or memory(-ies) are dealt with using EFT.  When I have my free 20 minute sessions with clients, we can’t always get to the root of the problem, but we are able to get some relief to the problem.  So when my clients come back to me and say they use EFT on the same issue every day or week, I try to explain that we could get rid of it permanently with some more time spent together working on it.

But it all has to start with the feeling in the body (most of the time)…

EFT online training

I am not only an EFT practitioner, but I am also an EFT trainer.  I have been working on creating online EFT training videos, and am curious about what my readers are looking to learn more about.  I will have a short EFT training (just a couple hours), a day-long more intensive training, and a more comprehensive training that’s a couple days.  In addition, I want to put together a weight loss training seminar and series because I think it would be helpful.

But EFT can help with so many issues that I think I could put together more trainings that would be helpful, such as for physical ailments and pain, fear/anxiety, and sports/business performance and Law of Attraction. The format of the trainings would be 30-45 minutes of teaching tapping, and then a couple demonstrations.

The point is that EFT is something that can benefit just about everyone (there is a very small percentage of the population – something like 2% – who do not seem to benefit) in so many ways that I want to bring it to the widest audience.  Times have been difficult for several years now, and we’re all getting run down and discouraged by the slow rate of improvement.  Though more and more people want more access to and information about alternative health care programs, few have the kind of disposable income to take advantage of the many modalities out there.  There has to be a way to get the information out there without breaking the bank.

Are you with me?  What would YOU like to learn about?

Centering for business and personal success

How often do you center yourself?  Never?  Ah, I thought so.  Would it be worthwhile to spend 30 seconds – yes, seconds! – to center yourself if it meant more business and personal success?

When I work with EFT clients, I take a moment before each session to take a deep breath, calm and quiet my mind, and I ask the universe to help me to help my incoming client to heal.  I ask the universe that there be healing with my client.  Sometimes, I tap, but most often it’s just a deep breath and a calm moment with the request.  Sometimes when I am frazzled or overwhelmed, I’ll take a minute or two instead of just a few seconds, but this is more rare the more I do the centering breath.

After doing this for several months, I started to expand my centering technique to my legal work as well as my personal life. In my personal life, I would take a moment in the car as I was arriving home, and do the same process.  Except my internal request would be dependent on what was going on.  For example, if I’d had a stressful day, I would ask that the stress of the day melt away so I could have quality time with my husband.  I would ask sometimes for calm and peace in the face of a yet-unknown challenge.  Sometimes I would ask for peace in the few hours before sleep due to a busy following day.  In my legal work, I would ask for wisdom to help my clients, and open minds for my clients to hear my knowledge.

The funny thing is that things started looking up once I did this on a regular basis.  Not only did business pick up, but I got more of the clients I consulted with, and my family life became stable and happy.  I changed my outlook and my approach o everything that I do, and all it takes is a few seconds when I move from one issue/task/meeting to another.

Try it!

EFT, weight loss and shame

There are many aspects to weight loss, and not the least of which is controlling the amount of food that goes into your body and the amount of movement your body enjoys each day.  But these aspects are often overstated such that other, also as critical, aspects are overlooked.  In my weight loss series, we focus on body image, cravings, trouble spots on the body, depression and boredom, and shame.  Shame is by far the hardest to talk about.

When we gain weight, we somehow feel as if we’ve failed.  Whether we’ve been overweight our entire lives, or just recently, or after the birth of a child, or after a traumatic event.  Somehow, we are supposed to be stronger, have more willpower, and be able to handle it with the resources available to us.  Our families, the media, and the messages we receive all day, every day, do nothing to take away this belief.  We’re taught: just get some exercise and eat less, and we’ll lose weight.

No one is talking about the fear, the anxiety, the shame, and the underlying issues that cause the weight in the first place.  If we work on those things, then the weight starts to come off without our even trying.  We’re not weak individuals.  In fact, we’re strong as oxes.  We’re the strongest people out there, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.  Why?

Because in addition to all of the challenges of life: work, family, finances, responsibilities – we also have to deal with the stress of being overweight.  There’s physical pain, there’s anxiety over public judgment and ridicule, there’s anxiety over eating in public (who is looking?  what are they thinking?), and the constant monologue in our heads, telling us we should be stronger.  There’s no doubt that we have the strength.

What holds us back is that we can’t get to the weight issue without dealing with the issues underlying it.  One of those issues is always shame, and goes hand in hand with many traumas, obesity being one of them.  We don’t like to talk about shame; in fact, we don’t like to even think about it.  But not only is it there, ignoring it makes it a larger issue than it would be otherwise.

What holds us back from finally losing the weight is that we don’t want to face the issues that caused the weight gain in the first place.  It’s shameful to us to even think about.  Where we’re wrong there is that we don’t have to feel the intense shame, nor the intensity of the feelings causing the weight in the first place.  EFT is gentle, and doesn’t require us to delve into the trauma, white knuckling it through it, sobbing and wailing.  No.  We approach it slowly and carefully, keeping the trauma to a minimum. Once the trauma and shame start to be released, then the weight can also be released.

Stay tuned next week for the next in this series on weight loss.