Improving vision with EFT

This week we have been talking about different physical ailments and how EFT can help them.  Like high blood pressure, EFT can also help with vision problems.  Whether it’s near- or far-sightedness, or a more serious condition like glaucoma or cataracts, the eyes are very sensitive organs.  We use them for everything – they’re “on” for more than half our lives.  They are also subject to particles in the air, pollution, smoke, wind and other irritants.  Generally, our eyes are resilient little buggers – they can wash out most of the irritants the world throws at us.  But, when there are a lot of irritants, and if you add to it tiredness from a lack of rest at night, then our eyes start to protest.  

The way in which they protest is by aching, stinging, and becoming overly dry.  Because most of us sleep too little, work too much (often at the computer, which helps to irritate the eyes), and do not properly protect our eyes when outside in the wind, dust, and smoke-filled areas, we often find ourselves with eye discomfort.

EFT can quickly, painlessly and easily remedy many of these symptoms.  Just reducing stress with EFT to help get a good night’s sleep can dramatically reduce eye discomfort.  The more irritated our eyes become, the worse our vision is.  If we can give our eyes the rest they need, and reduce our stress, then our eyes will be able to heal themselves and feel better.  As our eyes feel better, then our vision improves.

EFT and blood pressure reduction

With our stressed-out lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, many of us struggle with high blood pressure, and/or already take medication for it.  This potentially-life threatening condition affects millions.  Unfortunately, many of us are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes necessary to correct high blood pressure, such as eating more vegetables, limiting salt and fatty foods, and getting a moderate amount of exercise.  As a result, we continue to take the medications that have their own side effects, continue to eat poorly, and our health steadily deteriorates.

But there is a better way!

The body and the mind are connected intimately, and so if we can get the mind to talk to the body, then we can make real change.  One of the ways we can talk to the body is with EFT.  Using tapping, we can help to unify the mind with the body to lower blood pressure.  First, we can work on our stress levels.  Just reducing our stress can have a significant impact on our blood pressure.  Using EFT on our own – I teach you! – on a regular basis can help to reduce the problem overall.  Once our stress is reduced, it them becomes a little easier to make healthier choices and further improve.  It’s a win-win!  And all because you decided to tap…it’s easy, it’s painless, it’s quick, and it’s effective!

Kids love EFT!

I am frequently asked if EFT will work on children.  Not only does it work, but kids love to do it.  They do not have the preconceived notions of energy healing that adults often have, so they take to it naturally.  The tapping is easy, so this is not a barrier, either.  With children, I often work in two ways.  First, I focus mainly on feelings in the body, as these can be easiest for children to identify with.  Emotions are more complicated for children, depending on the age.  Second, I work with children using a teddy bear, so they can disassociate with the problem to be able to work on it effectively.  Thus the stuffed animal becomes “my anger” or “my ADHD.”  The bear has its own tapping points on it to ease the process.  I use the bear with adults, too, and it can be quite effective to disassociate with a disease (“my arthritis” or “my cancer”).

Kids also embrace the concept of using EFT on everything.  In addition to extreme emotions like anger, temper tantrums, and sadness, EFT can help with physical pain (a fall on the playground or asthma, for example), insomnia, and issues at school (bullying, performance anxiety, poor test-taking, conflicts with teachers and other students).

Try it today!

Achoo! Cold and flu got you down? Put down the medications and try this for symptom reduction

I’ve had a couple colds in the last year, and both times I have used EFT to reduce or eliminate my symptoms.  Generally, the colds and flu that I have settle in my throat and chest, causing violent, hacking coughs and chest pain.  It’s awful, and generally no over-the-counter medication helps.  Even when I have gotten stronger medication, like cough syrup with codeine, it doesn’t work for more than an hour or so.  So I generally end up with a raw throat and a cold that lasts much longer than it should.  I could never sleep because the coughing would keep me up – I literally had to try to sleep sitting up, because laying down caused the endless coughing.

No more!  I hadn’t been sick in a long time, and I got sick last fall.  I did some EFT when I couldn’t sleep and was coughing, and within about 10 minutes I was laying down.  I couldn’t believe it: where just moments before I was coughing uncontrollably, I was now laying down peacefully drifting off to sleep.  That cold lasted just a couple days, where prior colds lasted for a couple weeks or more.

EFT works!

Why diets don’t work: the need to treat the cause and not the effect

The excess weight is the effect, not the cause, of the problem.  Yes, the excess weight causes problems, but in the first place, the weight was not the problem, but rather the effect of another problem.  Most of the time?  The initial problem was emotional.  One of the things I work on with my EFT clients, when we’re working on weight loss, is a timeline of events.  Were you always overweight?  If not, when did it start?  What was going on in your life at that time?  This exercise usually leads to an “aha” moment, where we can pinpoint the problem, where it started, and how to remove it.

For example, an EFT client of mine in Oakland was not overweight until she completed graduate school. In fact, it was a few months after she graduated that the weight started increasing.  We looked at her life, which at a glance looked great: she was embarking on a great new career, had a wonderful new home, had achieved her dream of completing graduate school, and so on.  But she also was in a relationship that proved to be toxic, though she didn’t “know” it consciously when the weight gain started.  It was only in examining it in more detail that she was able to pinpoint the relationship as the culprit so we could work to remove her blockages from it.

If we commence a diet and/or exercise regime, and fail to address the underlying problems that caused the excess weight in the first place, then our new routines are most likely destined to fail.  We have to work on the emotional as well as the physical to get long-term success.

Anatomy of Exercise: Core muscles

Since we’ve been talking about weight loss so much, I thought I’d add in some exercise tips.  Today’s repeat guest blogger is Dr. Haley Harvey, San Ramon chiropractor focused on family health, wellness, and education.  Her contact information is below.

Core strength influences your overall strength, ability to balance, and athletic performance. In my years as a personal trainer I learned quickly that most people are very weak in their core muscles. It took me a little longer to to convince people of their importance! The core muscles play key roles in nearly every movement the human body can accomplish. Put quite simply… they are the muscles that keep you upright! Core strength is vitally important for athletes to increase strength, power output, stability, and for injury prevention. Anyone participating in athletic events whether a professionally or just to stay in shape should have a core strength routine, even kids! Core strength is perhaps the most important for our aging population. As the body ages, our proprioceptive ability (knowing where your joints are in space) naturally decreases, and we become more likely to fall or loose balance frequently. Core strength is vital in the body’s ability to right itself when we loose our balance. Therefore, if core strength is increased, we are likely to see a decrease in falls and injuries. A strong core is also imperative in keeping your spine healthy!

Major core muscles include: rectus abdominus, external and internal obliques, transverse abdominus, quadratus lumborm, and lumbar erector spinae. The most common mistake I see in core strength exercises is incorrect positioning, and too much movement. If the muscles are isolated correctly, movement should be minimal, and very controlled. The safest and most effective exercise to improve overall core strength and proprioceptive ability is the plank. They do not require equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. See picture below:

*Important Tip for Planks*: Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders, draw your shoulder blades downward, and breathe! When your form fails, stop. You will improve quickly, you don’t need to be a superhero the first day! Complete three sets of planks at least four days a week to improve your core strength and work on that six pack!

Now go work that core!

Dr. Haley Harvey is a chiropractor practicing at Anatomy Power Wellness Studio in Danville, CA. Her practice focuses on family health, wellness, and education.  Dr. Harvey has a comprehensive approach to healing and works with her patients to improve their health and teaches them how to prevent future problems.  Dr. Harvey has additional expertise in nutrition, diet and weight loss, exercise, sports injuries, and prenatal care.  Check out her website and Facebook page for more info!


EFT, weight loss, and boredom

This is the final article in our series about weight loss: boredom.  I know that this is one of my struggles as I procrastinate with all the work I do.  When looking for something to get me out of a work, family, or social task, I “take a break,” which invariably brings me to the kitchen.  I know I should take 5-10 minutes taking a walk, petting the cat, playing with the dog, or stretching, but these things never seem to enter my mind at the right time.  Hmmmm.  If I know these things would be better for me, and I don’t do them, then what is that about?

It could be habit, it could be self-soothing that I am doing with food, or it could be a mental block to weight loss.  There are a lot of reasons why we eat out of boredom, and why we avoid all the other things we could be doing that would be more productive, healthier, and more energizing than eating.  One of the wonderful things about EFT is that we don’t have to know the specific reason why we do something.  It will come up, or not, but in either case, it can be cleared quickly and easily.

The importance of gratitude

I’ve talked about this before, but not in these specific terms.  When I am working on an issue, either with a client or on myself, and it’s a long-standing issue or a particularly powerful one in my life, I always take some time to experience the gratitude I feel to my body for protecting me.  Huh?!  Let me explain.

For example, I have an EFT client in Danville who has insomnia pretty badly, and has had it for some time.  As we worked on the issue, we discovered that the insomnia was protecting her from getting overwhelmed at work.  Because she was so tired, she was less productive, and because she was less productive, she was less successful – and less busy – than she otherwise would be.  As we worked on it, we took some time doing some EFT rounds on feeling and being grateful for the insomnia, to her body for protecting her from the impending feelings of overwhelm.

The body is very smart, and will act on your unconscious desires or fears.  When we are getting rid of our bad habits, difficulties, pains, stresses and anxieties, we need to take a moment to thank our body for the protection and caring it gives us every day.  The better relationship we have to our body and with our body, the better our bodies and minds can work together to heal.

Understanding seasonal allergies

Today’s guest blogger is Dr. Haley Harvey, a San Ramon chiropractor focused on family health, wellness, and education.  Her contact information is below.

Allergy season is upon us in Northern California, the scent of cherry blossoms is wafting in the air, roses are showing signs of budding, and garden departments are bustling. New blooms and changing weather patterns signal an impending runny nose and sneezing fits for many allergy sufferers. So what happens in the body that causes this seasonal annoyance?

Here is a quick physiology lesson:  Seasonal allergies are considered ‘atopic allergies’ meaning that they are caused by an abnormal immune system response, this is passed genetically. Large amounts of sensitizing antibodies called IgE are found in the blood of allergy sufferers. When an allergen, such as pollen, enters the body it reacts with the IgE antibodies which have already attached to basophils or mast cells. The basophils or mast cells then rupture, causing a histamine release. When this process occurs in the nose, as is the case with seasonal allergies, the histamine release causes vascular dilation, increased capillary pressure and permeability in the nasal passages. What does all of this mean?? Swelling and fluid leakage into the nasal passages = runny nose and sneezing! A similar process occurs in the tissues of the eye, causing itching and redness.

Is there anything that will help the allergy reaction or symptoms? Natural remedies praised for their effectiveness include: Quercetin, Butterbur, Goldenseal, and freeze-dried Nettles. Simple saline solution has also been touted as a helpful in decreasing inflammation of the nasal passages. And favorite helpful hint for allergies…. Chiropractic care is a proven immunity booster, so remember to get adjusted regularly!

Dr. Haley Harvey is a chiropractor practicing at Anatomy Power Wellness Studio in Danville, CA. Her practice focuses on family health, wellness, and education.  Dr. Harvey has a comprehensive approach to healing and works with her patients to improve their health and teaches them how to prevent future problems.  Dr. Harvey has additional expertise in nutrition, diet and weight loss, exercise, sports injuries, and prenatal care.  Check out her website and Facebook page for more info!


EFT, weight loss and depression

This is the next in our series on weight loss: depression. There is an interesting dynamic that happens when we are trying to lose weight, or even when we’re still thinking about it. But the problem is that we don’t always make the link in our minds about how these two are connected. We look at ourselves in the mirror, and we don’t like what we see. So, that is stressful and upsetting to us. We think about losing weight – about dieting, exercising, about starting a plan – and what happens? If we even start, we either overdo and get too sore or too famished to continue, or we get overwhelmed and stop, or we deprive ourselves so thoroughly that we binge. All of these things are going to put us a step back because all of them make us feel like a failure. Worse, what if you never even start anything, but still hate what you see in the mirror? Then maybe you just feel like you can’t do it, no matter what.

The worst is when you have a pattern of starts and stops. This sets you into the pattern of failure, so your body and your mind think and expect the failure, which quite nearly dooms you before you can even get started on the new plan.

So what do you do? How do you break out of the patterns, the depression? New, fad diets or workouts are not going to be the answer. EFT can help by reducing the anxiety you feel at looking in the mirror, it can help to lessen the depression caused by the excess weight, it can help to reduce muscle soreness after overdoing it at the gym, it can reduce food cravings, and it can help to break the cycle of failure and your body’s expectation of it. What’s not to like? What are we waiting for?

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