EFT and blood pressure reduction

With our stressed-out lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, many of us struggle with high blood pressure, and/or already take medication for it.  This potentially-life threatening condition affects millions.  Unfortunately, many of us are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes necessary to correct high blood pressure, such as eating more vegetables, limiting salt and fatty foods, and getting a moderate amount of exercise.  As a result, we continue to take the medications that have their own side effects, continue to eat poorly, and our health steadily deteriorates.

But there is a better way!

The body and the mind are connected intimately, and so if we can get the mind to talk to the body, then we can make real change.  One of the ways we can talk to the body is with EFT.  Using tapping, we can help to unify the mind with the body to lower blood pressure.  First, we can work on our stress levels.  Just reducing our stress can have a significant impact on our blood pressure.  Using EFT on our own – I teach you! – on a regular basis can help to reduce the problem overall.  Once our stress is reduced, it them becomes a little easier to make healthier choices and further improve.  It’s a win-win!  And all because you decided to tap…it’s easy, it’s painless, it’s quick, and it’s effective!

1 Comment

  1. June 16, 2011 at 10:18 am

    […] week we have been talking about different physical ailments and how EFT can help them.  Like high blood pressure, EFT can also help with vision problems.  Whether it’s near- or far-sightedness, or a more […]

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